Our CPA elves are busy gathering family information on holiday wishes. We have 132 families participating this year, and our Adopt A Family program provides our families hope and joy during the holiday season.

The wishes include Hot Wheels, Barbies, art supplies, cars with lights and sirens, musical toys, games, and more.

If you can fulfill a child’s wish, CLICK HERE for more information about the program and fill out your donor form.

And for those already signed up, THANK YOU! You will receive your family’s wishes in the second week of November.

No Time to Shop?
If you want to be involved but don’t have the time to shop, click on the DONATE TODAY below, and in the comment section, write “adopt a family.” We will put our elves to work, fulfilling our kiddo’s wishes.

Other Ways to Support Our Families

Become a CPA social ambassador by following,  liking,  commenting, and sharing our message on our social media channels.