The Children’s Place Association is proud to be among the 60 Chicago organizations awarded a microgrant from Mayor Brandon Johnson’s recent $600K youth program initiative and sourced by the American Rescue Plan.

The $10,000 SGA Youth and Family Service Microgrant will significantly advance our mission to support Chicago’s vulnerable youth. These funds will help us address racial disparities, social disadvantages, health challenges, and systemic poverty that many of our youth face daily. 

Child Thrive offers a nurturing environment through after-school programs and a specialized curriculum designed by our dedicated team. Our goal is to transform communities like West Humboldt Park into thriving neighborhoods. This grant will allow us to expand our after-school programs, enhance resources, diversify educational tools, and extend program hours to reach more youth. 

Our Child Thrive Summer Camp (Thrive Summer) offers a safe and enriching experience combining academics, arts, culture, sports, and recreation. Activities include STEM workshops, creative writing sessions, swimming lessons, basketball tournaments, and engaging field trips, which help cultivate interests and essential skills for personal and academic success. 

“Child Thrive is delighted to be a recipient of the SGA Youth and Family Service Microgrant. This grant is helpful for our summer camp programming,” said Jakina Dortch, Child Thrive Director. “Summer is a volatile time for youth, and we are happy to provide youth with a safe space where they can have fun, learn a new skill, and make friends. With the microgrant, we can get more supplies, increase staff hours, and pay for transportation for field trips. We are grateful that SGA Youth and Family Service for the opportunity and for believing in Child Thrive’s mission. 

This partnership enables us to make a lasting impact on Chicago’s youth, ensuring they have the opportunities and support they need to thrive, and our organization is deeply grateful.