Children’s Place Association is excited about Encuentro Square’s future! On February 15, Dan Dever, CPA’s Director of Philanthropy, and Porsche Snowden, its Executive Director of Early Education, attended the ribbon-cutting for this new 89-unit affordable housing development in West Logan Square. The development is designed to help families and long-time residents stay in their community.
Located on a former manufacturing site at the western terminus of Chicago’s 606 Bloomingdale Trail—where Logan Square, Humboldt Park, and Hermosa connect—Encuentro Square is an important step forward in addressing the city’s shortage of affordable housing.
Children’s Place played an important advisory role in this project, bringing a trauma-informed focus that guided the planning for physical environments and services available to residents. In addition, CPA will offer Home-Based Early Education for eligible families living at Encuentro Square. We also anticipate providing Thrive services, such as afterschool programs, youth mentoring, and mental health support, to ensure families have the resources to thrive and succeed.
“This collaboration with Encuentro Square allows us to reach families experiencing housing instability much earlier,” said Snowden. “Working together, we can identify potential challenges – whether it’s developmental delays, behavioral issues, or exposure to trauma – and provide timely support. Early intervention is key for children’s development.”
Evergreen Real Estate Group developed Encuentro Square in close collaboration with LUCHA and the City of Chicago.
“Encuentro Square is a great example of what we can achieve when we work together as partners – government, businesses, and nonprofit organizations – to address the needs of underserved communities in Chicago,” said Children’s Place Association Chief Operating Officer Maurice Fears Sr.